Business Intelligence
Business Intelligence
Reporting, storytelling and visual insight into data are essential in everything we do. And with our platform, BIG, the entire Microsoft BI infrastructure has become an integrated part of our projects. Dataminds' employees are Microsoft Bi experts, and today we help our customers with Business Intelligence setups. Either on their infrastructure or as a service through our best practice setup in BIG.
"Lindholm Report has become the link between all of the organization's departments. It enables us to collectively evolve as a company and employees."
Lindholm Biler
Annesophie Goul-Bansmann, Head of Economy
"Dataminds and PostNord have worked together for many years and Dataminds has always been a trustworthy supplier. They have helped developing, analysing, and implement costumer insights across PostNord and have insured the quality of the results from which we have made our plans of actions."
Carsten Wiberg, Customer Insight Manager
"The initial idea was an economics report, but multiple new analysis have now been added, based on a range of ideas developed in collaboration with Dataminds. Besides the standard KPIs on turnover and budget, that we have today, we continue our journey by implementing continuous data sources. This consist of customer counting to measure the conversion in our physical stores, time consumption, and electricity consumption in our stores."
Spejder Sport
Torben Gammelgaard, Chief of Administration

Strategic cost-benefit approach ensures success
Show value
Show value, implement, and scale
Proof of concept
• Quantify improvements and quality
• Document the value
• Recommendation and roadmap
• Setup and integration
• Testing the solution
• Optimization and troubleshooting of the solution
• Monitoring and planning
Operation and scaling
• Everything can be built in our platform BIG