"Lindholm Report has become the link between all of the organization's departments. It enables us to collectively evolve as a company and employees."


Annesophie Goul-Bansmann, Head of Economy, Lindholm Biler 

Read more about our collaboration

Difficult and complex became simple and effective

Lindholm Biler wished to focus on becoming a data driven company. But the process seemed incomprehensible and complex.


Lindholm Cars had many parallel systems, each with its own owner. This resulted in great difficulty sharing data across systems. This was because system owners were very cautious about sharing data with other system owners. As a result, some data was entered multiple times.

We have therefore created a single unified system for Lindholm Cars, where all data is collected in one shared Lindholm Report. All relevant employees have access to this. This solves the problem of double data entry.


Lindholm Biler is now a lot more knowledgeable about their company due to our solution. De have gained a greater insight in preparation costs, lead time, revenue speed, and trading. The data can now be used as a valuable supplement in an industry which is manly based on analogous work and a great gut feeling.