"Dataminds and PostNord have worked together for many years and Dataminds has always been a trustworthy supplier. They have helped developing, analyzing, and implement costumer insights across PostNord and have insured the quality of the results from which we have made our plans of actions."
At one point we had costumer satisfaction analysis where the data was structured from top to bottom. Dataminds suggested that we should look at the data from the bottom up. In that way, the data was structured on a more appropriate way so different data sources was able to correspond with each other. They have also helped us to better understand our internal data flows. A lot of the work they have made, has been about structuring data and reporting, and now we are on our way over to Power BI. Some of the assignments were executed from A to Z. But often times they are included in the start and finish in some of our bigger projects. Dataminds has helped us to ensure that our data foundation and later reporting are the most cost efficient and user friendly. In regards to analysis, we are now more aware of looking at everything as one big analysis process with in- and outputs. Furthermore, we have streamlined our procurement of analysis from other suppliers based on the analysis model that Dataminds has introduced. We are also able to make demands on more transparency from other suppliers.
The collaboration, on a professional level, has been great. The solution that they have made matches our expectations. Dataminds belong in the category of suppliers that makes very few mistakes. And they are very quick at fixing them. If they detect a mistake themselves, they quickly let us know what needs to be changed. They are very good at dealing with issues and asking whether or not something can be done in alternate ways. We have also used Kim Lillesøe as a sparring partner and have gotten some views on a discussion with a different analysis institute. He has also been very proactive and taken the initiative to call us with inputs. It tells us, that we are dealing with a supplier, that is committed to the client.
I would recommend Dataminds to others and I already have. I am very positive about their work. They are always very accessible through a phone call. They are flexible, also with a short notice. Dataminds are willing to take action and is quick to call you back. It is very pleasant that they also respond quickly on emails. They care a lot about their clients' needs and they are great at putting themselves in their costumers shoes, so they are able to develop a solution that fit the client. If there is any changes to be made, they are always justified."
Peter R. B. Hatlö, Market Research Manager, PostNord